Get Simple Product Price in Homepage
<?php echo $_product->getFormatedprice(); ?>
Get Group Product Price in Homepage
$aProductIds = $_product->getTypeInstance()->getChildrenIds($_productl->getId());
$prices = array();
foreach ($aProductIds as $ids) {
foreach ($ids as $id) {
$aProduct = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($id);
$prices[] = $aProduct->getPriceModel()->getPrice($aProduct);
echo $_product->setPrice(array_shift($prices));
Get Bundle Product (Maximum and Minimum) Price in Homepage
$_product_id = $_product->getId(); //Here bundle Product id
//$return_type select which you want to get price. If you want to get
Max Price, you will add $return_type = ‘max’. And if you want to get
minimum Price of product, you will add $return_type = ‘min’
// highest possible price for this bundle product
//$return_type = 'max';
// lowest possible price for this bundle product
$return_type = 'min';
$model_catalog_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product'); // getting product model
$_product = $model_catalog_product->load( $_product_id );
$TypeInstance = $_product->getTypeInstance(true);
$Selections = $TypeInstance->getSelectionsCollection($OptionIds, $_product );
$Options = $TypeInstance->getOptionsByIds($OptionIds, $_product);
$bundleOptions = $Options->appendSelections($Selections, true);
$minmax_pricevalue = 0; // to sum them up from 0
foreach ($bundleOptions as $bundleOption) {
if ($bundleOption->getSelections()) {
$bundleSelections = $bundleOption->getSelections();
$pricevalues_array = array();
foreach ($bundleSelections as $bundleSelection) {
$pricevalues_array[] = $bundleSelection->getPrice();
if ( $return_type == 'max' ) {
rsort($pricevalues_array); // high to low
} else {
sort($pricevalues_array); // low to high
// sum up the highest possible or lowest possible price
$minmax_pricevalue += $pricevalues_array[0];
// echo $minmax_pricevalue; //Get minimum price value
echo 'As low as '.Mage::helper('core')->currency($minmax_pricevalue, true, false); //Get minimum price value with store currency.
Get Configurable Product Price in Homepage
$product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_product->getId());
//load all children
$childProducts = Mage::getModel('catalog/product_type_configurable')
$childPrice = array();
foreach($childProducts as $child){
$_child = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($child->getId());
$childPrice[] = $_child->getPrice();
//If you want to minimum price of product use this
echo min($childPrice);
//If you want to maximum price of product use this
echo max($childPrice);